College of Arts and Sciences News

Value of Liberal Arts Shown in PJL

Value of Liberal Arts Shown in the Department of Politics, Justice and Law

The Department  of  Politics,  Justice  and  Law  (PJL)  offers  majors  in  political science and criminal justice leading to the Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree,  a  Master  of  Science  in  Criminal  Justice  (see  UNA  Graduate  Catalog),  as well  as  undergraduate  minors  in  crime  scene  investigation,  criminal  justice,  legal studies, political science, and security and emergency management.

 Political Science and Criminal Justice graduates have taken jobs in a variety of different sectors, including government and advocacy jobs; non-profit organizations; political campaigns; lobbyists; law, both as attorneys and judges; etc. Dr. Tim Collins, Chair of PJL, said “Political Science and Criminal Justice are also liberal arts degrees that boast generally applicable skills in writing, public speaking and communicating, and critical thinking. More importantly, they are required to develop methodological (social science) skills that are valued in a variety of public and private venues. These “general” skills have allowed students to take jobs as lobbyists, public relations consultants, city planners, journalists, and even theatrical actors.

Students at UNA are able to participate in experiential opportunities which provide valuable traditional skills like critical thinking, communication, and writing, and the practical requirements of vocational training. PJL provides experiential opportunities in concert with every major and minor, such as internships, Model United Nations, Mock Trials, Crime Scene Simulation, and Security and Emergency Management Simulation.

Collins says, “The distinctive contribution that UNA’s PJL makes in an undergraduates’ education is in the balance between small school interaction and attentiveness and large university challenge and exposure.”

Department of Music

Department of Music Gives Schools a Glimpse of the Arts at College

“If you did not have music or art, think about being in an elevator with no music, or looking at a wall not having any artwork, life would be bland. I think the arts are around us every day, however, we are not acutely aware of them until we take notice.”—Terrence Brown, Interim Chair, Department of Music.

This is a glimpse into the passion behind Dr. Terrance Brown, Interim Chair of the Department of Music.

The Department of Music gives middle and high school students an opportunity to attend different programs throughout the year including honor band, choir and orchestra where they have an opportunity to learn from other students and UNA professors.

Ms. Carole Maynard, Events Coordinator of the Department of Music, said, “We provide these events that reach out to middle school and high school students and bring them on campus to experience being in a classroom, learning from professors and getting an opportunity to perform.”

The Department of Music currently holds six symphony concerts, two opera concerts, three band concerts, marching band exhibitions, four theater shows, community events and Honor programs. Beginning this year, local schools will also get to experience UNA and the Department of Music by attending “Voice Day.”

Maynard said, “Each of these events are in a sense, outreach. They allow the community to be a part of what is happening at UNA just by being an audience member and seeing the production quality and caliber of our students.”

When asked why it is important for students to study music or art, Dr. Brown replied, “It is a way to learn cultural diversity without having to physically travel great distances. When you look at forming students into well-rounded contributors to society, you cannot have a limited scope of life. It is important to have that (exposure to the arts) simply because it does make them well-rounded individuals.”